Coaching centre is not only rich man area to join up their ward. Now it’s been used by everyone the point to be noted is in which coaching centre you are joining your ward, and how the coaching centre is working, is it really useful for your ward in all means.
Some parents think that tuition is a burden for students and some think that tuition is necessary for certain important classes, so this how the mind set of parents and students, parents what they generally think that is they dint want their ward to waste all their time and energy by moving up and down. Some think that coaching centre is the best way to train students in all aspects and they grew up more confidently in their subject.
So on the whole now, Tuition is a need or not??
Tuition or coaching centre always takes students time and this is killing all our wards childhood days and memories so they are enjoying their being all way. Generally they are spending with school all day long and again heading back tuition at evening. Every weekend they get hooked up along with their series test so they generally feel that they are not much into their parents.
On the other hand we have parents who force their children to attend coaching classes in all means in order to improve their performances drastically. Always comparison is made between many students at school and parents want their children to compete first amongst the other. Now a day’s schooling has become a business and a centre of education and that is making all parents to search for coaching centre
So parents please be aware that our children not carry books and improving their knowledge but even their stress level are increased day to day so parents please be cautious that your ward are working on the knowledge improvement and not on the stress improvement rather.